This won't take long, I assure you.
Wyrmis equal wyrm + vermis. The first is anglo-saxon and the latter is latin. Both refer to a serpent/dragon. The two put together is supposed to be pronounced "vermis" (as something of a self-rerenced cycle) but I am lazy and say it "worm-us".
It was a moderately unique user name that I could use in chat programs and e-mail and the like.
The "last name" is Simryw. Which is generally pronounced sim-ryoo. It wasn't meant to be pronounced. Its backwards. I am sure you got it, but some people miss it.
Lastly, you were supposed to ask the page title "What's a Wyrmis?" in the same voice Jason Lee's character used in Chasing Amy to say "What's a Nubian?". If you didn't, try it out. Best part of the movie.
Written by W Doug Bolden
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