Short Stories, Plays, Novels
(assuming I ever write any of them)
#1 Librarian versus Zombie. The un-named Reference Librarian wakes up in a strange house, and finds the living dead nearby. Does he panic? No. He does screw everything up, though.
The True Story of Twilight vs This Quintessence of Dust? (30 July 2011). I once started writing a story/novel called Twilight but, being me, took way too long. Now, however, if the story is to have a chance, I need a new name...
How Occupy Wall Street nearly killed a short story idea of mine, but maybe not after all. On Skarl the Drummer and other Skarls.... (30 Nov 2011). Sometimes when I sit down to write out stories, real-world events happen to prevent me ever finishing. In this case, Occupy Wall Street happened so close to one of the stories I have written that had I gotten it out first I would probably called, however...
My big upcoming project: Doug remakes The Thing in the Lake by Eleanor M. Ingram (8 Feb 2010). I am thinking about rewriting a novel from near the turn of the century, to make it more of a horror novel and to test out my ability to do such a thing.
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."