"Goodbye, Arrested Development". Now that the show has been cancelled and nails are being driven in the coffin, I just rant against FOX and rave on the show for a few minutes to get it all out...*sniff*.
My discussion on illegal downloads, mostly the way that I ended up spending a lot of money after using illegal downloads to sample stuff.
Alternate Forms of Distribution. Good. Bad. (16 May, 2009) I look at a few differnet ways that media artists try and reach their fans.
Sporadic tokens or a plethora of white? (5 Dec 2009). Should we keep using token (as in token black, token hispanic, token gay) characters, or should we move away? Is the alternative of not using minority characters at all better? [cross-posted to ...on Words].
My favorites of the Decade 2000-2009, Part 1 (TV Shows and Books), Part 2 (Movies and Horror Movies), and Part 3 (Music and Other things (19 Dec 2009). I break down a little over thirty of my favorite things form the past decade.
Laugh Tracks...I don't like them. (12 Jan 2009). I talk about laugh tracks and what I don't like about them, and what little I do like about them (or at least about how I understand where they come from).
I, Ponder. Anglophile and proud. (22 Jan 2009). I'm an anglophile right out, and this is my suggestion that us anglophiles might need to stick together. To this in, I propose the term "Ponder" as a label to describe us, and...I don't know...I'll think of something.
Thinking about Movie (et al) Ratings (26 Apr 2010). In America, we have G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, and "un-". In other countries, they have very similar ratings, usually making a split around 7-8 and another around 12-14. Some have simpler. Some have more complex. The thing that gets me, though, is that all assume that a total rating is best: that all the various evils and vile behaviors of a movie can be best summed into one. I am wondering, partially, about splitting that up.
Doug's General Theory of the Five Parts to a Movie (6 Jun 2010). It seems like most movies have five parts. Not all, but most. Introduction, Establishment, Expansion, Alteration, Resolution.
The worst cover ever for a good album? The Death of "Hipster" as a pejorative? Is It Ok to Giggle at a Cock Trap? And other questions... (6 Dec 2010). Not only do I include a link to an M83 song, but I wonder briefly why Familjen's album cover is so shitey.
So Tyra Banks had a show about the Tape Worm Diet, and... (29 Aug 2011). ...I don't think I can do TV anymore. At least not the kind that doesn't come on DVD and has both skip and pause buttons.
Me being a worrywart about the future of Community, but still, you know, I'm game for #sixseasonsandamovie if it can happen joyfully (22 May 2012). Community ended its third season with some stellar episodes, especially stellar in the sense that they tied up far more loose ends than one could have imagined, but now the future is ahead of it, and I am worried slightly.
Fascinatingly, two recent music videos combine forest and horror imagery in songs named after reflective actions... (15 Sep 2013). Two new music videos have tapped into a mixture of symbols invoking hints of horror and isolation thrust into the forest near the edge of civilization. Just to talk about the absurdity of human life, sort of...