A Handy List of 50+ Possible Emotions for Ghostlight

The following list is just a listing of all the possible words that I personally think could work as Emotions in the game Ghostlight. Not every GM will like them, and not every one of them will be all that useful in a campaign, but this is just to get the ball rolling.

  1. Love
  2. Hate
  3. Friendship
  4. Despair
  5. Disillusionment
  6. Anger
  7. Sanctity
  8. Aggravation
  9. Giddiness
  10. Happiness
  11. Deja Vu
  12. Bliss
  13. Joy
  14. Ecstacy
  15. Melancholy
  16. Faith
  17. Ignorance
  18. Nihilism
  19. Apathy
  20. Mothering Instinct
  21. Obsessive
  22. Controlling
  23. Fear
  24. Fearlessness
  25. Excitement
  26. Curiosity
  27. Stoic
  28. Pragmatic
  29. Secretive
  30. Contemplative
  31. Explorative
  32. Rage
  33. Wrath
  34. Caring
  35. Codependent
  36. Disturbed
  37. Spiteful
  38. Pride
  39. Sloth
  40. Greedy
  41. Boastful
  42. Envious
  43. Perceptive
  44. Energetic
  45. Catty
  46. Witty
  47. Soft Spoken
  48. Free Minded
  49. Intellectual
  50. Forgetful
  51. Tenacity
  52. Lucky
  53. Unlucky

Written by W Doug Bolden

For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways

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