This is a verbal experiment as much as a poem. It is meant to be this little collection of words that barely hold on to each other and tumble all togther.
This is a verbal experiment as much as a poem. It is meant to be this little collection of words that barely hold on to each other and tumble all togther.
People (a crowd, a shape of rain) Fall silent, then laugh. Again. Faces wear masks like pure hearts, Just sound, a rhythm's things: The calling, but what meaning? The nothing! So fleeting! They dance and lie with ancient sayings. They whisper, not comprehending Foolishness! The unrestrained Minds. Wait! Now, a fresh refrain! Oh, for love, for quaint favors, COME BEING! The crowd parts, finally fleeing.
People crowd, a shape of rain: Fall down, then laugh again. Merry beats and rhythms flee, Fears grip glassware strings. Splattered waywardness Backward glances through Storm clouds and pure hearts. Just the same scrape of pain, The calling, the meaning, The nothing. Come being! People die in ancient sayings. They whisper trickle down, and Foolishness, stark insane. My mind = a shade of rain. Emptiness: a fate of seeing. Quaint, the taste of being.
This poem written by W. Doug Bolden.
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The longer, fuller version of this text can be found on my FAQ: "Can I Use Something I Found on the Site?".
"The hidden is greater than the seen."