"Hope, She Said - The Mandala Painting"

Ah, yes, that topsy turvy thing we call love and infatuation. There was a time where I was crazy about a person. In fact, the trials and ordeals of my heart surrounding this person is probably the main reason why I wrote so much poetry. It is not her fault, per se, she merely did what she did and I took it the way that I wanted to take it. This poem, however, is directly based off of a time I saw a mandala with her, and something she said.

Hope She said Is there Or at least She said I would likely think about it Lotus Rose In pink and yellow She did not say Thought it was there as well That city So fragile Under glass Like a corpse It is still alive But for one more day It is still alive We make a lot of things Out of colored sand We brush them with Our hand Hope She said Is there Or at least She said I would be inspired by it

This poem written by W. Doug Bolden.

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"The hidden is greater than the seen."