Photos of Retrogaming (Me Playing Games more than a Decade Old)


I have a thing for older videogames. I like the motifs. I like the insane and regularly arbitrary difficulty. I like the lack of a decent ending. Ok, I don't really like some of these things, but I do enjoy their insanity.

Having been born in 1977, I played most of these games when they were nearly state of the art and so going and playing them now as "retro" is kind of meant to be at least partially ironic for me. But hey, screenshots are fun!

Infocom (and other pre-1998 IF) Screenshots

Spreadsheet with IF map

[View Image] to see it in better detail

Beyond the Beyond screenshots

Playing Beyond the Beyond on an old TV and PSOne

Playing Beyond the Beyond on an old TV and PSOne

Playing Beyond the Beyond on an old TV and PSOne

Playing Beyond the Beyond on an old TV and PSOne


Written by W Doug Bolden. Photography taken by W. Doug Bolden, Sarah Bolden, and others.

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"The hidden is greater than the seen."

Doug Bolden, Photos of Retrogaming (Me Playing Games more than a Decade Old) [Creative Commons 3.0]