Dickens of a Blog
(March 2013)
- 01 Mar 13, 12:34:08 PM -
Taking NotAlwaysRight.com off of my reader list. Can't take it, anymore...
- 02 Mar 13, 10:18:44 PM -
Last night's Fiasco was the most bombastic yet, but I think next time, I'm going for something a little more even-keeled...
- 05 Mar 13, 06:37:55 PM -
Yet Another Copyright Conundrum: When a cover gets coverage over the original. or, The Knife Game Song.
- 08 Mar 13, 09:35:01 PM -
The TMBG/Moon Hooch concert. Thoughts Brief and Rambles Hopefully Briefer.
- 13 Mar 13, 03:20:11 PM -
Day in the Life 13071: The very nearly Twitter mistake + taking stock of possessions prior to our non-move which is a double move
- 15 Mar 13, 11:50:57 AM -
My wife's horoscope said she would be anti-romantic, today...I'll take that challenge
- 20 Mar 13, 02:34:08 PM -
A brief look into today's earworm: Blackwood Willow's Gloom
- 27 Mar 13, 02:44:33 AM -
A well-meaning rant of dead-tree fetishism starts off well, dive bombs into personal attacks, and pulls up on the back-side of surreal
"The hidden is greater than the seen."