Dickens of a Blog

(May 2011)

  1. 01 May 11, 03:51:34 AM -
    Power [briefly?] back up, no real update but here's a pic of Sarah and Cinderella by Candlelight
  2. 05 May 11, 02:32:21 AM -
    Catching up after the storm: the cyber-wasteland, how the Kindle was too important to read on, and other bits. Includes some pics.
  3. 07 May 11, 03:58:54 PM -
    Doug Drops Links, Ponderings, and Short Updates: sky based explosions taking care, pencil necked weasels, a hat of many signatures, continued tragedies, and daydreamings...
  4. 08 May 11, 10:43:08 PM -
    Black Sunday (aka, The Mask of Satan). Mario Bava horror movie, 1960.
  5. 08 May 11, 11:27:31 PM -
    City of the Living Dead. Lucio Fulci Italian Horror.
  6. 09 May 11, 12:08:31 AM -
    XKCD talks about women scientists
  7. 09 May 11, 01:41:14 PM -
    Just what the hell *is* the Kitchen Ghost?
  8. 11 May 11, 12:40:50 AM -
    Defending the sanctity of copyright, or purchasing the works of others for cheap settlement cash?
  9. 11 May 11, 02:10:52 PM -
    Repuncturing Kenji Siratori's RETROADAM
  10. 12 May 11, 12:38:07 PM -
    "Blackouts not due to grid stress..." says Huntsville Utilities, "but A/C load is going to be the key". Conservations and Frustrations.
  11. 13 May 11, 11:22:35 PM -
    By the sixth page he was brought short with the number four. Or, how far do you read a book to know it is good?
  12. 16 May 11, 03:23:49 AM -
    My strange recurring dream element (the cipher note), and helping a friend to move
  13. 16 May 11, 05:02:07 PM -
    A note to my friends + family: Let's all adopt the Schnell Cell Phone Dropped Call Protocol
  14. 17 May 11, 12:50:18 AM -
    In which I react [poorly, snidely] to the classic Doctor Who serial: Marco Polo
  15. 18 May 11, 12:32:03 PM -
    Why did HuffPo pick such a bad/weird photo of UAH? Presumption of taking the piss activated!
  16. 18 May 11, 03:06:55 PM -
    My homemade, practically free, standing desk and why I'm doing it
  17. 20 May 11, 10:35:25 PM -
    Sore throats and Friday nights...quick catchings up...
  18. 22 May 11, 11:27:13 PM -
    My final, permanent (and about 1/8th the cost) standing-style desk. Also: STILL F'ing SICK.
  19. 23 May 11, 01:38:39 PM -
    On tastes in music as one grows older...
  20. 23 May 11, 08:39:26 PM -
    Miskatonic River Press's Dead But Dreaming, edited by Keith Herber and Kevin Ross
  21. 25 May 11, 11:00:34 AM -
    Sweet, Sexy Technology: The Rotary Cellphone...
  22. 26 May 11, 10:07:47 AM -
    [Photo] Looking up at Sarah from the bottom of a [amber glass] table
  23. 30 May 11, 02:49:35 PM -
    I went down like a rag doll heavy with child...

Written by Doug Bolden

For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways

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"The hidden is greater than the seen."