Facebook and Goodreads notifications are turned off. My myspace is going to disappear for good sometime this weekend. Chat is getting shut down at midnight. My e-mail and aggregator programs are taken off auto-refresh. My newsreader is off.
Just to clarify the ons and offs. I will be doing e-mail. I want to do a good amount of it. In fact, I will be swooping around Facebook and a couple other spots tonight to collect e-mails. I will be "doing" blogs except non-interactively. I will read my friends blogs, assuming that I can (in other words, friends that post to LJ and/or Blogger/spot and I can aggregate them) and I will be reading book-industry and library-related blogs. I will possibly be Tweeting out to announce new blog posts or important bits. I will not, however, be seeing responses. This will be strange, somewhat, but it will do one important thing for me. I will focus on writing only what comes to mind and not responsively. Considering I am kind of the cusp of trying to get published, this is not a bad practice, to get used to tempering myself for my own sake.
When I come back, I'll have a month of webcomics to catch up on. Woo. I'll have a month of Failblog and the like to catch up on. Woo. I'll likely have about 800 notification from Facebook. Woo.
I'll also have what is likely a longish post about how I took it. This seems weird, and overreactionary, but keep in mind that the Internet is my primary way of communicating. Hell, it probably will still be my primary way of communicating (Dickens of a Blog and e-mail), I'm just going to get rid of all of the little "instant gratification" bits and see how I react to things differently. Possibly not at all, but I am curious.
Just to summarize:
If you have a blog on Facebook or something (one person I know updates her Facebook notes regularly) please e-mail me a copy so I can keep up. If that's bothersome, then I'll just catch the notes when I get back, I guess.
And again, I am kind of looking forward to e-mail, so keep that up.
Good night. Good July. And, good luck...
Si Vales, Valeo
Due to most of my friends using alternate means to contact me, and mostly SPAM bots using the comment box method, I have removed it. If you wish to contact me, please feel free to use any human-friendly contact method you wish. Thanks!
Written by Doug Bolden
For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways
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The longer, fuller version of this text can be found on my FAQ: "Can I Use Something I Found on the Site?".
"The hidden is greater than the seen."
If you wish to comment, please use the form below or contact me in some other way and I'll add it as soon as possible. Thanks!