Cipherkey Tool


Repeat Keyphrase [Autokey off]

<--Seg. Length | Finish out segmets?-->
Separator: : New Line, : Space, :

Character String:

Preset Character Sets [α=default]:

Random Key Length:

Line Breaks (ASCII = 10)
Space (ASCII = 32)
Tab (ASCII = 9)
User Sub #1:
User Sub #2:
User Sub #3:

A General Guideline For Use

This cipher system has a handful of sub-components. The three primary ones are the keystream (entered in the box marked "Keyphrase"), the plainstream ("Text"), and the characterstream ("Character String"). The methodology of the cipher system is to add the plainstream to the keystream and then use those to create a third stream, the cipherstream. It does this, effectively, by a modulus addition using the characters' relative location in the characterstream. For instance, if the keystream character is the 4th place and the plainstream character is in the 8th place, then the cipherstream character will be in the 12th place of the character set. This location loops around (hence modulus).

In order to properly decipher something created in this system, then you have to have all three parts. You must have the cipherstream generated, the keystream used to encipher it, and the character set used in the order it was used. Since this is based on location, then if the order is incorrect, the deciphering will be incorrect.

The Character Sets

α: The default (will load automatically with the page). The ASCII set from 32 (aka "Space") through 126 (aka "~"). The original variation of this program used this system.

β: Capital (aka uppercase) letters in alphabetical order. There is no space, no numbers, no symbols. Sort of the default standard for a lot of traditional cipher systems.

γ: Uppercase letters, in order, with the numerals 0-9, a space, and some basic punctuation: .,?'+-=@%(). Can be used to generate slightly more human readable code, while still keeping the overall character set simply.

δ: A special set designed for an intermediary version of this program, meant [initially] to help break up some of the grouping. All letters (upper and lower) are included, in order, along with all numerals in order, intermingled with punctuation. Includes a space. However, it foregoes use of <, >, \ [backslash], and &. This is to help prevent it from generating a cipher that would be unrenderable in some HTML sensitive environments.

ε: Hexadecimal digits. Does not include a space.

ζ: Numerals and common signs related to math equations, phone numbers, and the like. Only letters included are A-E uppercase, a-e lower case, XYZ upper, xyz lower, and it does have a space.

Version 4.5.1 (20 Jan 2012) by Doug Bolden