Tartarus Press to release book chronicling early development of Robert Aickman's style, includes documentary, Robert Aickman: Author of Strange Tales

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Summary: Tartarus is to release a book of early stories+fragments by Aickman, chronicling the development of his style. Book will include a DVD of a documentary that should be quite worth watching, if you are into that sort of thing.

BLOT: (04 May 2015 - 10:47:10 AM)

Tartarus Press to release book chronicling early development of Robert Aickman's style, includes documentary, Robert Aickman: Author of Strange Tales

Apparently it was a good week to post my video about Aickman's "The Trains" and my definition of Aickmanesque (followed up a post expanding on some ideas), in that Tartarus Press announced today that they are going to be publishing The Strangers and Other Writings, which will collect some previously uncollected/unpublished works on a range of topics. The first bit that excites me is that it will chronologically present the unpubished stories/fragments so that you can see the development of Aickman's early style. The second bit that excites me is that it will include the 50+ minute documentary, Robert Aickman: Author of Strange Tales.

Book trailer embedded below.

Robert Aickman


Written by Doug Bolden

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