Summary: I have made a third brief talking points video, this one dealing with the Netflix of Books.
Summary: I have made a third brief talking points video, this one dealing with the Netflix of Books.
BLOT: (05 Aug 2014 - 08:35:52 PM)
I took some time on my lunch break to try out a slightly different model for my Doug's Brief Talking Points series, this time on my cell phone. Result? Eh, not bad. Video quality is so-so in a grainy sense of the word. Sound quality is so-so in the slightly off-mix sense of the word. It makes my natural twitch seem even crazier as you see the trees move as I walk around and stuff (will try a better angle next time). And, well, I lost a version that went more into the topic as a business model and talked about how I prefer to buy books, myself. I am also a tad bit breathless because I was out walking around the library and it was damn near 100F at the time.
What's the topic this time? The "Netflix of Books". Specifically how it won't kill the book industry and how it is not like a library.
Written by Doug Bolden
For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."