Summary: I'm trying to find where a Gallup poll got its data. On the way, though, I found a rather obvious claim.
Summary: I'm trying to find where a Gallup poll got its data. On the way, though, I found a rather obvious claim.
BLOT: (24 Jun 2014 - 08:14:11 PM)
News articles are starting to pick up a Gallup poll that reports newly insured Americans are younger and less-healthy than the national average, though I am curious about some of their data. For one, if I am reading this correctly, then the number of people newly insured out of the 30k polled is about 1500, and roughly 1/4 of that 1500 said they don't feel very well, and so we are talking about 300-400 people (as opposed to the much more representative sample to which it is being compared). And this is all self-reported. Though admittedly, one of the biggest problems we have with insurance is that people who feel good don't think they need it (and then end up being a major hit on the system when they end up needing a year or two down the road).
Don't worry, though, certain bits of the press will make sure you know that millions of sick people are flocking into the health exchanges now...
On a more humorous side, though, while trying to search through Gallup's not-quite-stellar search engine, I tried broader searches about health statistics and such and people reporting feeling healthy or healthier or less healthy and lifestyles and anything, really, to try and find out which poll got Gallup those numbers, and ended up spotting this quote in one of the articles. And it made me chuckle. Because, while I think I know what it is they are going for, it seems to be one of those things that is utterly ridiculous to commit to [albeit digital] print.
I love that the caption says "tended to..." meaning that there are former smokers who light up more than current smokers, which is say that there are current smokers who light up less than former smokers...and really, it's a wonderful world.
UPDATE (25 Jun 2014). Ok, ok. After thinking about it, and digging up the the original source, realize that it's not about in the present, what they are going for is that women who used to smoke, smoked less when they were current smokers. Not as funny, but at least my brain understands, now.
Written by Doug Bolden
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