Summary: My blog decided to keep posting the last thing, over and over. Not sure why. Also, something I've been thinking about for a bit is nearly ready to be released, gods help us all...
Summary: My blog decided to keep posting the last thing, over and over. Not sure why. Also, something I've been thinking about for a bit is nearly ready to be released, gods help us all...
BLOT: (14 May 2014 - 11:10:50 PM)
I was going to post the next paragraph a day or two ago, but my blog decided to do something weird and repost the one congratulating Laird Barron on the Bram Stoker, over and over, about once every four hours, and so I decided to give it a moment to see if it kept it up. It hasn't happened again, so I am going to assume the process got stuck in some sort of cycle once I ended the SSH session, but I have no idea. For most of you, you may not have even noticed but those on the feed or my front page would have seen the repeat. I'll keep an eye out for it and see if it happens again. Now on to what would have been yesterday's brief news.
I have been mulling over making...something...that will enable me to talk about my generalized love of weird fiction, ghost fiction, and horror fiction (as well as larger literary trends, philosophy, history, science, computers, and so forth), with a likely focus on either individual stories (short and longer) or recurring themes. Over the past few weeks, I've been wondering about which format to aim for, something like a blog series versus something like a personally released podcast, and for right now I think I am going with a vlog. I've been doing research on Stephen King's "Crouch End", some of his theory on Bad Place fiction, Lovecraftian versus Campbellian modes of mood setting, and whether the mythos name dropping in the story adds anything to it. I have a rough bit of a script, some graphics, and notes, and will probably try recording tomorrow with an attempt to have it edited and out by Sunday, but we'll see. There is
If it goes well, by which I mean if I like it more so than if anyone else likes it, I will then examine "Shadow Out of Time" as a Job-tale and how it needlessly shapes itself as a horror story.
Ok, I have a splitting headache the refuses to go away, so I am going to bed. Hopefully this post won't enter in a repost loop. Goodnight, Beautiful People.
Written by Doug Bolden
For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."