Summary: I sometimes make more Samuel Beckett jokes than I'm allowed, but perhaps you'll allow me just one more.
Summary: I sometimes make more Samuel Beckett jokes than I'm allowed, but perhaps you'll allow me just one more.
BLOT: (06 May 2014 - 09:49:47 PM)
I will make a special effort to post something like an actual catch-up post tomorrow, but for tonight, let us look upon this picture and laugh until we can barely breathe:
It was original sent to me by Sarah, via Buzzfeed's 25 Jokes Only Book Nerds Will Understand, which is better than your average Buzzfeed. Do read. Buzzfeed links it to a brief humorous article with a pie chart on Beckett's Trilogy (i.e., the novels
Let's just say two men for wait for a man who does not arrive [spoilers!], and stuff happens, but not really, and conversations happen, the kind you might have at a coffee shop while talking to a drunk me who just spent ten hours on a Dostoevsky binge. What does it mean? Yes.
Good night, lovelies.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."