Summary: I picked up a canvas print of Leslie Ditto's Engulfed this past Panoply. Going to show it off and point out that it fits pretty well in my 'nearly Lovecraftian/Mythos' category of art.
Summary: I picked up a canvas print of Leslie Ditto's Engulfed this past Panoply. Going to show it off and point out that it fits pretty well in my 'nearly Lovecraftian/Mythos' category of art.
BLOT: (27 Apr 2014 - 01:25:32 PM)
Despite the increased price and security theater feel of Panoply—Huntsville's yearly spring festival dedicated to art and performance, infamous for being a storm bringer—I squeezed in a couple of hours on Friday night. Sarah went to see her old dance troupe perform and I took a brief stroll to look at some masks and some art and to feed some ducks. While briefly on my lonesome, I saw that Leslie Ditto had a booth. I've bought a piece from her before, a tall framed print, though I apparently didn't blog it because I cannot find a link to a write-up of it nor do I see it in her portfolio, but that's ok: just picture a gothy woman with a dragon tattoo in rice-paper house holding a pink bunny rabbit. I'm sure you'll get close.
This time I bought "Engulfed" featuring a woman being engulfed by tentacles. It fits nicely in my collection of "almost-Lovecraftian/near-Mythos" art that I have started to collect, and I am thrilled to have it. It is a canvas print with hand-embellishments (the eyes and the tears have bits of paint added to make the print technically unique). She had the original, there, as well but it as $650 and came with a decorated frame that I liked less than having the canvas wrapped upon itself. At any rate, here it is:
In another of her paintings, called "Dope Hope", purple tentacles are used to represent drug addiction. That may be the case intended here, but I prefer to think of it as being engulfed by the chaotic universe that is both outside of her and inside of her at the same time. At any rate, I love it. Good job, Leslie!
Written by Doug Bolden
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