Summary: A single photograph, when re-examined, fills in gaps to a story. A different sort of short film, more about examining the scene than anything like a jump scare [though it tries for that, as well, alas].
Summary: A single photograph, when re-examined, fills in gaps to a story. A different sort of short film, more about examining the scene than anything like a jump scare [though it tries for that, as well, alas].
BLOT: (07 Feb 2014 - 11:53:54 PM)
Now, I have a copy via DVD, and I'm not sure which copy online would be the most legit, but it has been posted, below, for a couple of years so I am going to assume that it is at least semi-ok to link to it. If it disappears, the official site at Rue Morgue has some more information but the DVD that it was part seems to have vanished. Alas.
As a final aside, the short references Keres early on. However, the Keres fed on the dead of the battlefield. Since babies disappearing does not seem to match this description, it is possible that something akin to allegory is going on, here.
Written by Doug Bolden
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