Summary: Reading the responses to last night's 'Creation Debate' was just as insightful yet infuriating as watching it [though for largely different reasons]. A few choice responses stand out. Here is my favorite spotted malapropism.
Summary: Reading the responses to last night's 'Creation Debate' was just as insightful yet infuriating as watching it [though for largely different reasons]. A few choice responses stand out. Here is my favorite spotted malapropism.
BLOT: (05 Feb 2014 - 07:09:08 PM)
While I am definitely #TeamNye when it comes to the "Creation Debate" between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, it was kind of fun reading responses from both sides. Both teams, at least on Twitter and while the debate was live, tended to be very polite and very respectful, if skewing to the edge of being patronizing. Your Facebook/Tumblr/etc mileage may vary. The #creationdebate hastag has been a bit of a minefield today, so I assume ugliness reared up elsewhere.
At any rate, in the midst of following the public response to the thing, I saw this comment to a comment, which caused me to double check to make sure it wasn't intentional. For my favorite seemingly unintended witticism, a malapropism dedicated to the creation of the world and all life as we know it...I give you:
While you are convulsing in wry laughter, I'll see myself out.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."