Summary: Horror movies have taught me things, and one of the big rules is that happy vacation photos are a death warrant...
Summary: Horror movies have taught me things, and one of the big rules is that happy vacation photos are a death warrant...
BLOT: (09 Jan 2014 - 09:38:10 AM)
A friend of my retweeted the below, and my very first thought was one of lingering, mild fear. I'm so trained by horror movies to distrust happy vacation photos, especially those that invoke a sense of civilization's edge, that I Pavlov's Doug'd it. Fun, huh? Figure many of my friends will have a similar reaction, so I should share.
Upon checking up, looks like someone who knew the couple has already been in touch, so let's leave it semi-blurred (the original tweeter has already been deluged). I'd have blurred the couple's face as well, but for the full effect of creeping horror as to what untold events happened after the photo, you tend to need the smile. That's the sharpest edge, indeed. Apologies to them.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."