Summary: I don't really have many resolutions, but why not have a couple, and a couple I plan to keep? Here we go!
Summary: I don't really have many resolutions, but why not have a couple, and a couple I plan to keep? Here we go!
BLOT: (02 Jan 2014 - 08:37:44 PM)
I'm kind of shit at keeping resolutions. No, wait. That's the wrong end of the stick. I'm shit at making resolutions, but I'm probably 60/40 at keeping them, which seems better than average. Hmm, I've only actually found two posts on my blogs about them*, one of which was about only keeping legal music on my system [which I have mostly done, a few bootlegs remain], and one of which had a dozen resolutions, of which I may have kept about 60% [as above] though I'm not quite in the mood to do a life tally and to find out how true that number is.
This year, I figure I'll set out five resolutions. Arbitrarily. Without much in the way of elaboration (to give myself wiggle room), here we go.
There, that sounds fun, right? Does to me. How about you, what you got on your docket?
* I remember, in the middle of my depressed years, making a resolution of "I will not walk around in circles", as a purposeful self-mocking sentiment, and then I spent the whole year rehashing old injuries. Welcome to Doug-in-his-annoying-20s.
** Psst, I'm
*** As of the writing of this blog post, that link does not exist. I will make it after publishing this blog post, so hopefully it won't be too long down the road.
Written by Doug Bolden
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