Summary: So, I had a tendency of being a bit of a whiny bastard in my undergrad days, especially when it came to the ladies.
Summary: So, I had a tendency of being a bit of a whiny bastard in my undergrad days, especially when it came to the ladies.
BLOT: (09 Nov 2013 - 10:28:36 PM)
This one A Softer World (#1033) comic so completely describes most of my undergrad love life, I just had to share:
In my high school days, I don't think I really liked girls all that much. By which I mean I had a couple of girls that I did like but there was a certain toxic feeling to dating girls from the same small town, like your long-time friends are now meant to be your sexual fetishes? It felt weird. A couple of half misses and a few near hits were all I had. It was, with the exception of one time when I screwed over one of my best friends to go after the same girl as he was interested in, mostly ok, though. I don't regret not going further with anyone in my high school, I truly don't. I have happy enough stories, as is.
However, in undergrad, especially years 2 through 5 (I went for about 6 years total, though a couple of those years were half-years for me), I was a dick of the "whines about girls only liking jerks when really the girls kind of like him but rather than be sort of honest and mature and ask them out would rather moan about stuff until some girl somehow accidentally falls in love with him" species. It is a hard habit to break, that. A certain type of guy, sensitive and smart and unconfident and convinced that what nice girls with nice breasts really like most is a guy who talks about dark and sad things and claims they are deep all the time even when they are not deep though I guess sometimes they are, migrates to that behavior. If that matches you, then you probably want to stop it. Girls like boys. Those that like boys, which is some. And if you are a girl, there are boys that like girls. Some boys. And there are some girls that like girls and some boys that like boys. And some of those boys and those girls like boys and girls like you. Ask her out, she'll say no, and then you'll meet someone in the library the next day. Or not. But that's fine, it'll be ok.
For me, it was mostly the Summer of Hell that made me decide that I probably should stop with the weird love-life-in-limbo game, and by the end of that summer I was dating my current wife. In the middle of the summer I was dripping candle wax on people and having some weird high-alcohol + high-caffeine infused nights. Let's not do that again, ok? Part of me wishes I had stopped being that sub-species years before and had more fun with certain things, but any changes in the past would probably screw up the beginnings of what became my marriage, so it's all good. I was a dick for years and then I became a man and then I put aside dickish ways. As the Bible says one does. Amen.
Written by Doug Bolden
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