Summary: As a backer for The Bighead Movie Kickstarter, I got a bit of a 'cameo'.
Summary: As a backer for The Bighead Movie Kickstarter, I got a bit of a 'cameo'.
BLOT: (14 May 2013 - 10:35:08 PM)
Got my DVD from
Click that to see a fuller sized edit, which might help. The image, by the way, I sent in, is this one:
That's me looking like the sort of guy who would eat a 4lb steak in a dive bar in the kind of place where the Bighead roams. I assume that's just how I look all the time, despite not being such. At any rate, here's hoping they one day make a full movie and that they don't get sent up on video nasty laws. Fine line with
Written by Doug Bolden
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