Don't think I've ever seen a headline continue to get worse with every word quite this bad before...

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Summary: A headline starts out with British man, swings into rape and murder, and then goes downhill from there.

BLOT: (07 May 2013 - 12:39:02 PM)

Don't think I've ever seen a headline continue to get worse with every word quite this bad before...

I've just finished GOTH, the novel about teenagers brushing up with the kind of serial killers that leave organs nailed to trees in alphabetical order. Murders and plots so brutal and foul that you have to take it as kind of a fantasy novel (the author, Otsuichi, says as much himself) rather than a realistic one. Then I read the headline below and had a strange moment where every single word felt just a little worse than the last, and how could I not think of GOTH‽ Nearly every word I read was just a bit worse than the last...British man Geoffrey Portway [ok] admits plot to rape [whoa] murder [whoa] eat [WHOA] children [damn!]...equipped with a steel cage, a child-sized home-made coffin [hell], scalpels, butchering kits [HELL], freezers and castration tools [Holy Mother of God]:

I haven't even read the article. I don't think I want to read the article. Man.


Written by Doug Bolden

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