Not sure if this is an poor coincidence or if Fox News Latino is trolling for link clicks...

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Summary: Was reading a bit when I noticed an interesting combination of pictures.

BLOT: (17 Apr 2013 - 02:52:13 PM)

Not sure if this is an poor coincidence or if Fox News Latino is trolling for link clicks...

Just want you to know that I blame GoogleNews for this, but I found an article on Fox News Latino that says that if I have more sex than my friends, I'll be happier than them, and maybe I was doing some synthetic reasoning and calculating how happy I was compared to my friends—putting the stick before the carrot, if you like—when I noticed the "Other News Stories" over on the right and while I mostly ignored them, either a resoundingly poor coincidence occurred or someone at Fox News Latino found out how to brilliantly, if horribly, game the article click system:

The flaming-running-man image is actually from a Best Pix [sic] of the Year slide for Jamphei Yeshi burning himself alive while running to protest Hu Jintao's visit to India, so it's not a fluff piece, by the way.


Written by Doug Bolden

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"The hidden is greater than the seen."