Summary: Netflix is sometimes mocked, sometimes praised for its very specific sounding categories like 'Suspenseful Thrillers Starring Strong Female Leads', and as such, almost could have snuck this prank by...
Summary: Netflix is sometimes mocked, sometimes praised for its very specific sounding categories like 'Suspenseful Thrillers Starring Strong Female Leads', and as such, almost could have snuck this prank by...
BLOT: (01 Apr 2013 - 09:10:22 PM)
I watch a lot of horror movies on Netflix, so my recommendation categories usually read as "Gory Foreign Zombie Horror Movies" and "Scary Supernatural Thrillers" and "Violent Suspenseful Psychological Movies" and "British TV Mysteries" (because I also, um, like British shows). Because I am used to seeing some weird pairings of words, Netflix almost snuck this category behind me, and even then it took me a moment to put it together as an April's Fools prank. Good, job...
Since the Roku app cuts that off, the full thing reads "Nephrotic Adventures Featuring Very Tiny Children". And then every movie in the category is
When his grandfather comes down with a mysterious ailment, young Simon (Torbjorn T. Jensen) shrinks himself to miniscule size and embarks on an odyssey through the old man's body to seek and destroy the culprit: a nasty kidney stone. On his unusual expedition, Simon meets all sorts of curious characters, including a cute little blood cell and an irate bile duct. Vibeke Idsoe directs this inventive children's adventure.
That's not the only 01 Apr 2013 category, mind you. When I came online to find it for a clearer screenshot, this one had taken its place:
I'm going to wait a few minutes and hit refresh and see what I get next.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."