She's mixing up a couple of different timelines, but I'd let her reverse the polarity of my neutron flow ;)

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Summary: Sarah's Christmas got a bit Whovian. She's modeling some of the aftermath.

BLOT: (27 Dec 2012 - 02:02:27 PM)

She's mixing up a couple of different timelines, but I'd let her reverse the polarity of my neutron flow ;)

Here is Sarah wearing her replica Fourth Doctor scarf and holding a toy of the Eleventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver [she got both for Christmas]. She also tossed in a bow-tie (11th) and a fedora (4th) to further mix up the two timelines. Heh.

By the way, got these things (including the scarf matching socks, did you spot them?) from Who North America which is pretty much the source of all of my Doctor Who themed purchases nowadays. Figured I'd give them a shoutout.


Written by Doug Bolden

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