Summary: Today has had a few moments of intensity IRL, so let's talk about the Internet. With SCREENSHOTS!
Summary: Today has had a few moments of intensity IRL, so let's talk about the Internet. With SCREENSHOTS!
BLOT: (19 Dec 2012 - 04:09:21 PM)
Walking to work today, I was just a couple of meters away from a car wreck at the Jordan Lane and University intersection. It was kind of intense, but sometimes you roll dice and I might have been hit but I wasn't and hey, I can take that. A car crash is pretty loud when you are right up close to it, but watching debris stream off the car and then go the other way feels pretty good. It is like watching a tornado not come towards your house. You know you cashed in some of your karma pool for it, but that's why you do nice things: for the universe to pay you back. That is why we do nice things, right?
Let's not talk about my questionable moral judgement, though. The internet. It shows me things. And I'll show them to you, through the internet! In order of most rage inducing to most awesome, we have:
This was in comment to Rhett Allain's somewhat overblown physics deconstruction of that viral fake video about an eagle picking up a kid. Note the bits in green, where she claims that you can't use math to "rationalize nature", which is a fascinatingly ascientific view for a person commenting to a Wired article via modern technology to actually believe. Bless. Then she, in the yellow bit, cites the fictitious argument about science having no explanation for how a bumble bee can fly, which is one of the fun "facts" spouted at us constantly by movies written by the sort of people who hate scientists for being all "know it all" and turn them into cold, sexless villains. The pink is just my utter <sarcasm class="angry">joy</sarcasm> that this is the most up-voted comment in the whole article. Merry frudding Christmas, world!
I showed it to a friend who thought I was being harsh on the woman, but I'll stick by my rage, right now. We live in a world where actual adults are actually freaking out because they don't understand how a calendar works, I have to be mad at someone.
Deleted the account names, to save us all. Protected the user face because that image is probably not of the spammer, so let's not indict innocent people. I ended up deciding not to send the reply because that would probably cause it to take longer to convince Twitter to delete the account for spam, but there you go.
[For those curious what the bit between "your" and "@wyrmis" is, it seems to be an account that promises sexy webcam time and is probably the actual spam account that hacks others and then uses them to spread spam virus style.]
Looks like we are even further from the "coral" than ever before! While I am sure that there are those who are crying out in rage over it [adding to their rage-induce crying out over Tennant leaving], I like it. Mostly because I sometimes miss the coziness of the original style TARDIS console rooms. And there's a bit of a Victorian Cyberpunk thing going on. That's neat, too. I am also looking forward to the new introduction and theme song. The Doctor's theme is kind of like the Chocobo theme...always recongizable, but neat in its mutability.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."