Revitalizing my reading habit by calling it a year, early, and looking to the future

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Summary: I try to read a lot, and mostly succeed, but 2012 has been a wash. So, let's wash it away and get on with 2013!

BLOT: (18 Dec 2012 - 01:34:10 PM)

Revitalizing my reading habit by calling it a year, early, and looking to the future

I have decided to retire my 2012 reading list early. Slightly under 50 [weighted] books (the actual numbers, where every book is a book, might be around 100), which is the lowest I have read since I have started keeping track, less than a half of what it was at max. Grad school had a part to do with this—every year I was in it my book total was less than the year before—but that is a bit of a red-herring because my actual reading was probably higher those years with a lot of the long academic articles and studies not being included on the list. This means 2012, post-MLIS, has been truly dismal on both fronts: lower than either year of grad school and this is without the long readings for school that simply were not recorded; probably some sort of continuation of intellectual tiredness. After a few shots at rejuvenating of the reading habit all failed, I figured this is the best way to go about it. Just let it go, and restart.

I have no overarching goals this time, no plans on what to read and when, the trick is just to let it build back up to a natural feel, while trying to keep the record (that I both enjoy doing, and it helps me to remember where I am in certain series). I am going to count short stories individually, since there were probably 40-50 stories I read this past year that never got counted because I kept thinking I would eventually finish the anthology. I might slightly rejigger the weights, but probably not. I also think I will have weekly check ins, just to get in the habit of socializing my reading, which will only help to habit-form it. Somehow, also, I am going to need to count the large amount of online reading I do. I have an idea. I'll see how it sits with me.

Ok, here it goes, my 2013 reading list.


Written by Doug Bolden

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