Of course they were going to make it into a movie (if not several)...

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Summary: I have a thing for tall skinny paled faced folk in suits chilling around old buildings, deserted parks, and playgrounds. So of course I'm excited...

BLOT: (06 Nov 2012 - 12:48:30 PM)

Of course they were going to make it into a movie (if not several)...

After tweeting about the Sapphire and Steel episode about the tall, facelles, thin man in a suit who kidnaps children from photographs (and postulating that maybe we are all in photographs and the missing kids are just those Slenderman takes the real world to hurt people for him), I got a "favorite" from @SlenderManTV. And while that is classic SMO, right there, I was still delighted to see the below movie poster, and figured I'd repay the favor by linking (clickie the picture!) to the official site (with a countdown clock set about five months from now).

Most likely, there will end up being a number of movies (not to mention the already existing video game [and its tie-ins, copycats, and sequels] and more than one web series). I'm interested to see how this goes. Hopefully well.



Written by Doug Bolden

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