How do you announce that a man named Quincy Jones is indicted for contracting a murder and drug charges? finds a way...

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Summary: There are ways to handle it when less famous owners of famous names do something newsworthy to help your confused readers know that you don't mean *that* guy but *this* one, makes use of one of them...

BLOT: (02 Nov 2012 - 01:45:51 PM)

How do you announce that a man named Quincy Jones is indicted for contracting a murder and drug charges? finds a way...

I know a headline about how a Quincy Jones facilitated a murder to hire by telephone and conspired to traffic drugs, when it is not the Quincy Jones, at best will be misconstrued. How does the newspaper in question talk about it, though? I mean, the cheap way is to not mention it, but here is rare chance to write about a famous name! That's like writing about one of the many other Michael Jacksons (and that's just those who are wiki-worthy) in a way that makes you giggle when you say something like "Michael Jackson punches dude in face at place". Since the snark is at least worthy an Arrested Development like side joke, you want to mention it, but you simply can't mention it outright. You can go for something like this:

That'll do, headline choosing editor, that'll do.


Written by Doug Bolden

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