Summary: I love this little three parter, Emmy and the Eggs, about why we carve pumpkins and how the Nightmare fits in. Top notch and takes only a couple of minutes to read all three.
Summary: I love this little three parter, Emmy and the Eggs, about why we carve pumpkins and how the Nightmare fits in. Top notch and takes only a couple of minutes to read all three.
BLOT: (31 Oct 2012 - 04:42:37 PM)
If I had to recommend just one webcomic Halloween special this year, hands down it would go to the three part story about "Emmy & the Eggs", talking about why we carve pumpkins and why we make them scary. Has some nice and scary humor (maybe not hte right word) but should possible avoided by those who really love horses. Or, um, maybe that's the target audience. Written by David Malki (i.e., the usual guy behind Wondermark, meaning the comics with Victorian cutouts) and drawn by KC Green (i.e., from Gunshow, which has a style that I'm sure people from the 90s would like appreciate, as well as people not from the 90s), it is an excellent mash-up, if a little more Gunshow-ish than Wondermark-esque...maybe. Click on the snippet below to go to the first one, or use the links below the pic...
Happy Halloween!
Written by Doug Bolden
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