Day in the life 12893: echo "Hello, World"

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Summary: Howdy.

BLOT: (16 Sep 2012 - 09:30:58 PM)

Day in the life 12893: echo "Hello, World"

Just got back in from a quick walk with Sarah around the UAH duck pond. It was quiet. Only a couple of parkers. Perhaps tellingly, one took off almost immediately after we showed up, which always strikes me as the sign of someone not quite comfortable with making out in public, but less comfortable with making out in front of roommates. Over the years, I've had various levels of whoopie-interrupti. Around 1998-2002, I spent a *lot* of time at the duck pond, at really random hours, so it was bound to happen.

Part of the impetus for us walking, there, tonight was to work out my hip a little. On the right side, it has been a bit testy. What's weird, it doesn't feel like joint pain so much as "something is torn" pain. Not sure. Walked to work on Wednesday, by time I got home, there was a bit of a sore "crick" in it. Walked to work on Thursday, and by that night it was enough to make me limp. Limped on through my Friday shift. Felt better on Saturday. Even better today, but then tonight it started stiffening back up. Damn. Still not sure what is wrong with it. One of those that once I start walking, it feels better and better, but then later when I stop it gets a bit angry.

Got to try some Danilo Classic Kvas this weekend, thanks to the European Market Anastasia. I had *no* idea what it was, but turns out it is basically a sort of sweet proto-beer. Mildly fermented, and it can be a tinny alcoholic, but the taste is sort of a mix between a mild soda and a beer. I really liked it, and plan on getting it again. I'm sure I've heard the phrase kvas/kvass before, and looking on Wikipedia found that kvass actually has a fairly decent history.

Also spent some time retooling my GURPS Horror game. I'm sure I'll talk more about that soon, so will leave it be for now.

I guess that about wraps up my weekend. A couple of bonuses. If you watch *just one* Yogscast video tonight, watch this one, which is part 7 of their playthrough of what seems to be a extremely well-crafted Minecraft map called The Tourist. Here, I'll embed it. It was the "take two" bits towards the end, which frankly filled me with delight. Don't know why. Because I'm a nerd...

Just about the only other thing I have is that I'm pretty sure I'm going to delete my Livejournal Account come the end of this month. I've gone on a bit about how I *wasn't* going to delete it, but after playing with different ways to justify keeping it, I mostly find ways to justify not-quite ignoring it except on a bi/weekly basis and I'm a big proponent of "shut the door behind you" when it comes to online identity. I have four friends, nearly all sporadic "clump" posters, whom I would lose the ability to access their posts, and saddens me a bit but such is the way of online "homes". My join date was April 12, 2001, which means I have been on there for 11Y5M, which is longer than any other online account except my Hotmail accounts (one of which should be deactivated, the other I should go ahead and delete), which date back to around '97 or '98. Weird thinking back to myself at that time. Much the same but so, so different. I know most think that keeping the LJ account is absolutely silly, but really back in the 2004-2007 or so period, when it was very active, it was one of the happiest times for me online [only the IGN Final Fantasy boards, back before that went to crap, could be said to have competed]. Lots of sharing and ranting and commiseration. Facebook essentially hosed that in the long run, which is where nearly all my LJ friends ended up, and around 2009 or so I went away for a year or so—largely to work on this blog and to focus on starting grad school and stuff—and by the time I got back it was gone. Ah well. To the grand and beautiful future!

Me in 2012


Written by Doug Bolden

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