It's my birthday and I'll curry if I want to...

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Summary: It's my birthday. Happy one to me. I'm 35, which seems ridiculously middle-aged for a man still trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. Here are some plans, some something-like-gifts, and other meanderings.

BLOT: (30 May 2012 - 11:23:15 AM)

It's my birthday and I'll curry if I want to...

What is the first thing I did today on my 35th birthday? I, a man, now legally old enough to be your—assuming you are American—president? What did I do at 12:20am or roundabout? This!

That's the save screen in Rockstar's Bully, aka Grand Theft Auto: Boarding School. I have enjoyed the hell out of that game, though I kind of wish the difficulty curve was notched up a tad for some of the mini games (as well as wishing some of the mini-games had more variety, though having faux arcade games as mini-games helped). Still, I played through with absolutely no help and got up to about 85%. Then, used a guide to get a couple more percents (specifically the last gnome and I think the last two of the Grottoes and Gremlins cards) and then went and busted butt to find the last 10%-ish on my own. Which I achieved by beating the mini- via arcade game called, wait for it...Nut Shot (you're a flying squirrel shooting nuts at other flying creatures). Ta da! Go ahead, clap. You know you want to clap...

In other exciting news, Sarah and I have been watching this:

If you have not seen Pucca, the theme song sums it up: "Pucca loves Garu. He's a pretty boy. Ninjas, with noodles. Kissy chase. Kissy face. Wham bam bam!" It is really cute, and has some actually quite fun fight scenes. You can catch about 40 episodes of it on Netflix. Unfortunately, there are nearly 120 (117, I think) episodes total and only about 60 have hit DVD1. This means that over half the show is "missing". I think only one thing sums that up...

Ah well, at least I can get these five things for Sarah. And since she is a good and loving wife, she won't look at those links. Everyone else feel free to do so, though.

What's on the docket for the day? Eh. Maybe nothing. I have to be at work in an hour-ish. When I get off, I'm thinking of throwing together a mix of mushrooms, tofu, and yam into a spicy curry sauce and siding that with some sort of greens-salad and some rice and then washing that down with something called "passion cake" that Sarah made. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Say no more.

And then possibly being sad that I don't have enough people to play this...2

1: The way the episodes were released were three "episodes" per single showing block. So that each time it came on, there were three episodes together. In later releases, like the DVDs, they chopped those back down to three different episodes. So...there were like 39 21min-episodes shown over two seasons, which are now cut up into 117 7min-episodes (with or without openings/endings depending on which way you watch them). The DVDs only account for about 50-60 of those 1/3-eps, but are thematically grouped rather than chronologically grouped, so you have about 20-ish of the first seasons fuller eps and then you don't have the last part of the first season or any of the second on DVD. Which is a shame.

2: I've had the PDF with the original cards since early on, but have never bothered to print them. Since they have resurfaced into public discourse thanks to Wil Wheaton, I went ahead and ordered a deck. There was such a rush that the entire printing out of which I ordered has already been depleted, and was essentially depleted before it was ever available (I ordered a week out, and signed up for notifications something like a month out just for that chance).

Me in 2012


Written by Doug Bolden

For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways

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