The picture I found while searching for small airplanes because I was once reviewing a horror movie, or why certain skin tones have unexpected consequences (GIS semi-porn?)

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Summary: Just about every blog post I write involves a small degree of Googling (nowadays: DuckDuckGoing) for pictures, definitions, quotes, statistics, and so forth...much of which only flavors the article rather than shows up. Here is a ditty from one search research excursion.

BLOT: (30 Mar 2012 - 02:24:25 PM)

The picture I found while searching for small airplanes because I was once reviewing a horror movie, or why certain skin tones have unexpected consequences (GIS semi-porn?)

Way back when, I gave a middlin' review to Quarantine 2: Terminal [the sequel to the [Rec] remake that looks nothing like sequel to [Rec]] and while writing that review, which apparently is long by even my standards considering the source material, I was trying to find out what sort of small plane was featured. I did various Google searches for stuff like "small aircraft" and "medium sized plane" and so forth. One of those searches, who knows which one now1 because I don't, brought this picture up near the very top as results...

If you are like me, your eye is going to parse the outfit wrong and assume that, for some reason, she is wearing an orangey-tan top that covers her neck and arms but leaves the rest of her nude until your eye adjusts and you realize that the skin tone is sort of tan in orange lights and you go: "OOOOhhhh". Still. Stands out [like nipples in a ballet outfit, apparently] in a sea of results, especially when Google Image Search is all, "This is really relevant to your interests".

1: The answer of course is...Google knows...


Written by Doug Bolden

For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways

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The longer, fuller version of this text can be found on my FAQ: "Can I Use Something I Found on the Site?".

"The hidden is greater than the seen."