Summary: Have you seen this have you seen this? I've been trying to find it.
Summary: Have you seen this have you seen this? I've been trying to find it.
BLOT: (19 Feb 2012 - 01:22:16 AM)
Tonight, I engaged in an activity that strikes me, in hindsight, as strange. At least I was successful with it.
While watching
Here's the thing. I felt some strange need to find the POST about finding the show. I was looking for a "looking for" as it goes. Except there were problems: (1) I didn't exactly when it was posted, (2) I have apparently left most of those old science fiction livejournal communities since then [partially because of random snark and partially because Pendant Productions loved to talk up all of their audio series on pretty much all of the various groups], (3) I couldn't remember enough about the post to make up enough of a Google search that meant anything, and (4) I was a member of a half dozen communities back then and couldn't recall exactly which one.
I got lucky. I stumbled upon the community. Or, once I found that community, I was pretty sure it was the right one. BUT. New issue. I don't know when the post was and Livejournal does not seem to have a "Search this user/community" as an option. A Google "site:" search did nothing. So. I hit the archives. I had only one piece of information that saved me some time: the post I was talking about had lots of comments. You know how long it has been since a science-fiction but not fanfiction themed community on LJ has generated lots of comments? That's right! I was able to soar back through the archives until I found one with 28 comments, and that was the post. Alas, the question was never answered. And, no big surprise: I was one of the last people to comment on it. I apparently kill everything.
Why did I feel this need? Why did I look it up? *shrugs* What can you do, eh?
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."