Summary: Ook is a fun esoteric language, that pretty much fits hand and hand with Brainfuck (aka Brainf***, for the kiddies)...
Summary: Ook is a fun esoteric language, that pretty much fits hand and hand with Brainfuck (aka Brainf***, for the kiddies)...
BLOT: (14 Feb 2012 - 06:34:45 PM)
Meet Ook, a programming languge with, I kid you not, only three syntax-bits: "Ook.", "Ook!", and "Ook?". To get it up to 8 (7 used ones) memory address commands, you pair them. "Ook. Ook." increments the array cell pointed at by Memory Pointer. "Ook. Ook?" movies pointer to next cell. In other words, to move to the next cell over and then increment it by two, you would get "Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook."
Without further ado... download the forfunsies.ook file [it's a text file, so you should be able to see it even if you don't feel like running it]. You can parse it through this dude's interpreter if you want. Or, I'm sure there others. I wonder if gcc has one... Have fun.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."