Summary: Life is about to reach either an impasse or a surge forward, because I'm about to have to do something about student loans. But hey, Valentine's Day! Also, still being denied new Twitter, and craving some RPG action.
Summary: Life is about to reach either an impasse or a surge forward, because I'm about to have to do something about student loans. But hey, Valentine's Day! Also, still being denied new Twitter, and craving some RPG action.
BLOT: (09 Feb 2012 - 09:53:29 PM)
Thing Number One. In a month or so, I will start paying back student loans. Again. Woo. Or maybe that's whew. I knew it was coming, have made some strides towards settling all I need to settle so I can afford it, and so forth, but it hurts. I think what hurts more than anything isn't the amount—though any of amount of any payment is a thing to be wary of, right?—but the time. X amount for decades (I think 20-30 years?). I'll be something like 10 years out from or at retirement when I am done paying them. What will suck about them, in the immediate, is that they will apply enough pressure to our lives that things like house payments are an impossibility at the current situation. That's ultimately ok... Ah, well. Here's to it and getting it done.
Thing Number Two. At least this weekend I will be able to blow some money without too much guilt, all for the good of Valentine's Day. Sarah and I are heading out to Athens on Sunday to visit the Russell Stover store, then will come back and possibly catch
Thing Number Three. Hmm. Still no new Twitter. Sad. But I'm just craving it so I can figure out what the style sheet overrides I have to plug in to stop from seeing trending topics, "who to follow" suggestions, and so forth. I think Twitter knows. I think they are avoiding me.
Thing Number Four. I have been sick for two weeks now. My body has this annoying of habit of getting sick, then getting real sick. Then, getting mostly better but reaching this stage, about 90% on the road to well-ville, where it suddenly will stall out. The main depths of this virus hit two Thursdays ago and was largely gone by the next Tuesday, but now it has been a week and a half since then and I have had a persistent, mild cough and a runny-ish nose. It finally feels like my body has decided to go ahead and knock out the last 10% but I'm wondering if I what I need to do in the future is to let myself get real sick and refuse to do anything about it until my body hits the cure-all-overtime mode and knocks it out at once. No plateaus. Dig into a valley and then wallow until it is ready to get the job done. That'll show it.
Thing Number Five, and Final. Finally, I've been craving RPG action. I think I will crank out a couple of
Written by Doug Bolden
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