Summary: Sometimes I look more at a model's face than is good for me. SSSSHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Summary: Sometimes I look more at a model's face than is good for me. SSSSHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
BLOT: (07 Jan 2012 - 11:42:27 AM)
Look, she is pretty, and I do like the outfit she is wearing, but the more I stare at her face, the more I hear a sound like air slowly escaping a bicycle tire. I'm picturing some weird foreplay where the attractive woman across the room makes eye contact, looks deep inside your soul, and then blows out about three minutes of highly compressed air your way. You know, to share oxygen or to ward off predators or something.
[Whoops, left out from the original post, but this was on the front cover of a catalog that Victoria Secret sent us a couple of days ago. We get about five a month from them, but I think this was the semi-annual sale one. Or something.]
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."