Bag o' Links: The Long Lost Edition. In which I close a crap ton of tabs, links, notes, and et cetera...

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Summary: I have a long backlog of links and notes that have been percolating around for a bit. I decide to close them all at once.

BLOT: (12 Sep 2011 - 01:08:19 PM)

Bag o' Links: The Long Lost Edition. In which I close a crap ton of tabs, links, notes, and et cetera...

I'm the kind of guy who sees a link or two I think might be worth posting and I'll bookmark it, which nowadays means I drag it to my Firefox bookmarks toolbar thing, which nowadays has so many links that it ends with a pair of arrows that if I click it shows the links that have been pushed off the page, which nowadays is so long that when I click it I often have to scroll up and down it to see all the links. Some are so old I'm not even sure of the context any more. What's the solution? Let's get these long lost links out into the wild, with fresh commentary and jokes to accomplish. *takes deep breath* Aaaannnnnddd....start!

Ok, whew. This is going on bit. I'm going to drop just 10 or 11 more from the stack and then, in a week or so, maybe have another one of these.

Yes that was me cheating there at the end. Yes, I laughed at my own joke. Yes, I suck. Good day...



Written by Doug Bolden

For those wishing to get in touch, you can contact me in a number of ways

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The longer, fuller version of this text can be found on my FAQ: "Can I Use Something I Found on the Site?".

"The hidden is greater than the seen."