Summary: Is it just me, or does this seem like the plot for a TV show?
Summary: Is it just me, or does this seem like the plot for a TV show?
BLOT: (02 Sep 2011 - 10:23:15 AM)
Sure, it's just a typo (that's already been fixed on the article itself though as of this post is still on the front page of their online edition), but you better believe I clicked it. You get the chance to read next week's obituaries, you do it. That's the kind of information you can use.
ADDENDUM: To be used as a key
Finding out some millionaire is going to die in a silly accident on a golf course and you are the person most able to save him and will likely get phat rewards: Awesome.
Finding out that you are going to die from your brain exploding because an unknown organism has been gestating it in it for years: Horrifying.
Either way: It's going to be a fun week.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."