Summary: Though the 5.8 earthquake is considered smallbeans by many, it has had its moments of destruction.
Summary: Though the 5.8 earthquake is considered smallbeans by many, it has had its moments of destruction.
BLOT: (26 Aug 2011 - 09:30:30 AM)
I'm sure more than the University of Maryland has had this problem, but its McKeldin library had 13500 books fall due to the recent earthquake (LGT: Flickr).
From their news page, which seems to be the sort of news page that changes regularly and so that's why I'm quoting it here:
More than 13,500 books fell from the shelves in McKeldin Library. Compact shelving on three floors was compromised and remains unstable; one unit has tilted off its track. A free-standing bookshelf on the library.s fourth floor collapsed...
Staff cleanup has been extraordinary. All of the books have been picked up and loaded onto approximately 150 book carts. Sorting and shelving is underway. Only eight trucks of books—approximately 700 items—require preservation treatment.
Godspeed, my fellow librarians. And good luck.
Speaking of books and falling (in love), found this trio of articles today (presented in the order I read them), though the opposite order they were written. Just for the record, when I was younger I was given advice to only date dumber girls. This advice was not given ironically. The one time I have even come close to such an act, a great cloud of frustration and personal trials commenced. Advice is a bit like rain...think about it. And you can quote me on that.
Written by Doug Bolden
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