Anyone want a copy of Super Sad True Love Story or The Mezzanine?

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Summary: I have two extra copies of two different books. If you are looking for a little bit of something [maybe] different to read, then let me know and we'll work out something.

BLOT: (20 Aug 2011 - 10:12:03 AM)

Anyone want a copy of Super Sad True Love Story or The Mezzanine?

[Note: Both books are spoken for, now.]

Sarah and I recently got a couple of organizational bookshelves for our living room. Prior to that, we simply used an old study table which was stacked high with books and DVDs. The books (maybe not the DVDs), were actually in better condition stacked that way [here's a secret most book types don't realize: good hardcovers don't have paper that fills the cover of the book, which means that sitting them upright, as you normally store books, has the cover sitting on the shelf but now the paper, and therefore puts extra pressure on the spine since the paper is techically hanging in mid-air] but the resulting needle-in-the-haystack approach meant that twice I bought a book that was already in that stack. I could take the books back to Barnes and Noble or some place similar and get credit, but I figured these might be the sort of books that my friends might like to try but not yet have, so I am giving them away, no strings attached (except that you cannot merely just trade them in for credit yourself, dammit).

The two books are Gary Shteyngart's Super Sad True Love Story and Nicholson Baker's The Mezzanine*. The former should be in perfect condition, minus minor shelf wear while the latter was a bargain book and so will have a mark or two on it. Etc. Click on the thumbnail below and let me know if you would like either one. First come first serve, basically, since, you know, I only have one extra copy of each and I'm brokey-broke.

* Both SSTLS and Mezzanine be snatched!


Written by Doug Bolden

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