Summary: A recent query on the Huntsville LJ Community led my wife to say...only in Huntsville.
Summary: A recent query on the Huntsville LJ Community led my wife to say...only in Huntsville.
BLOT: (10 Aug 2011 - 05:58:25 PM)
...and one of these important question is, who is that dude that walks around? Upon seeing this, Sarah went, "Only in Huntsville would someone post the question: what's up with that pedestrian?" I know, I KNOW, in this case there probably *is* something particular about this guy, but all we get is that (a) he wears a white shirt and (b) he wears baggy jeans.* Which is just one more thing that makes me think that this area is utterly ignorant, if that is the right word, of pedestrians as a concept and practice. I was once kicked out of a gas station essentially because I walked instead of driving up in a car.** Another time, because I walked to a Waffle House, the women assumed I was someone who had been begging for money and was really confused (and ultimately apologetic) once I paid with a debit card. We really need to promote the concept of people walking places around here. I've lived and visited smaller, much smaller, towns and communities with a more active pedestrian sector.
And, for the non-LJ folks...yes, yes...Livejournal is still going. Not everyone ran off to join the Facebook wagon and be cool like the hip kids.
* Note, in the comments, a further explanation seems to suggest this is a homeless man. Which is also something else that Huntsvillians are a tad confused about.
** I assume. She made a big fooking deal about not explaining why she was kicking me out, so maybe she was just scard of men, or beards, or college students walking home at night.
Written by Doug Bolden
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