Summary: Back before the Dorchester Pub meltdown, they were the paperback home to Hard Case Crime. One of their pretty little ditty's was a version of Doyle's Valley of Fear released as Noir. I adore the cover...
Summary: Back before the Dorchester Pub meltdown, they were the paperback home to Hard Case Crime. One of their pretty little ditty's was a version of Doyle's Valley of Fear released as Noir. I adore the cover...
BLOT: (05 Jul 2011 - 10:48:35 PM)
I double-plus heart hardboiled pulp covers, especiall the kind chosen by Hard Case Crime, the paperback (and now semi-digital) imprint that specializes in reprinting hardboiled classics as well as new novels in the same theme. You probably know the basic gist of the art: long legged, thin, busty women with flowing hair and a look of danger about them (often by them either carrying a gun, being juxtaposed with a fast car, or being in some sort of danger). Just look at the covers for
Alas, this is one of the books that disappeared with with the Dorchester Publications meltdown (LGT: Brian Keene's call to boycott along with links, towards the beginning, of him chronicling the problem). They are supposed to restart publication in a few months, maybe it will show back up because I would love to have it in print.
Written by Doug Bolden
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