Summary: Big Finish needs people's pictures. Screaming pictures. Sound like the start of a horror movie to you? Read on!
Summary: Big Finish needs people's pictures. Screaming pictures. Sound like the start of a horror movie to you? Read on!
BLOT: (23 Jun 2011 - 06:02:53 PM)
Alex Mallinson has a plan. For the cover of Graceless's second boxset* (due sometime, not sure when) he wants to have a bunch of screamy souls show up on the cover. He needs said screamy souls. Click that first link for details but basically send in a picture, with a face as exampled, and as many of those that can be used will be used. It needs to be less than 800px on its longest side, and under 1mb in size. Email the address at the first link and include your name. It's all for fun and games, mostly, and I'm in. See my screaming face, below. By the way, if I get rejected for this...that's saying something.
* While I wasn't the biggest fan of the first boxset, I have to say that I am kind of looking forward to the second because of the fact that it could go in any number of directions.
Written by Doug Bolden
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"The hidden is greater than the seen."