My 2011 summer reading goals: 30 'trashy' books and 20 graphic novels

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Summary: I have decided to try something of an 'anti-book list' this summer. Rather than plop down Infinite Jest or some such, I want to make an effort to read actual beach reads. Even if I never go to the beach.

BLOT: (08 Jun 2011 - 02:33:28 PM)

My 2011 summer reading goals: 30 'trashy' books and 20 graphic novels

My goals for reading this summer are simply. I want to read 30 "trashy" books. This means, to me, hardboiled pulp books. Horror novels. Westerns. Things round about that category. Maybe a couple of YA-lit sort of things. A few novellas. From June 1st through August 31st, that's my reading goal. I also want to read 20 graphic novels. No particular plans on which ones just, yet. Neither the books nor the graphic novels, but I know I want to try and make 15 or so of the books horror novels and about 5 or so by Elmore Leonard. As for the graphic novels, I should hit up Death Note and Fables, but I'll play that one by ear.

I am doing this because I am wanting to read a lot and half the time I sit down to make a book-list, I tend to go a bit overboard and ambitious. Now that grad school is coming to an end (I have one more class in July), I want to relax the summer. And relax I shall. Thomas Pynchon can wait until Fall.

How about you, any reading plans?


Written by Doug Bolden

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