Summary: Barrowman goes all red-faced in an 'honest' interview, recently played on Goodnight Burbank.
Summary: Barrowman goes all red-faced in an 'honest' interview, recently played on Goodnight Burbank.
BLOT: (01 Jun 2011 - 07:02:12 PM)
Do you find John Barrowman sexy? Did you just go "Who?" If you answered yes to the first, but not the second, watch this clip. If you did the second but not the first, go ahead and watch the clip. If you said yes to both, then...I don't know. Watch the clip? Ditto for double Nos? Was it mostly an apathetic shrug, or a sigh? Did I mention Captain Jack is awesome? Anyhow, John Barrowman gives, finally, an honest interview.
For those of you confused by this: Goodnight Burbank's website. By the way, notice that even when he is playing a raving lunatic, he is totally likable. He should have been a lawyer.
Written by Doug Bolden
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