Guess who is going to end up pissed at her local library?

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BLOT: (07 Dec 2010 - 08:34:59 PM)

Guess who is going to end up pissed at her local library?

I don't have the day's paper, but I heard from another source that this appeared in today's Help from Heloise column [this might be up for correction or clarification when I get more data]:

I have so much trouble parting with books because occasionally I will go back and read a book again. Recently, I was in the local library, and a thought came to me. I went home and packed up all my books and donated them to the library, with a note that I wanted these books to remain in the local facility. Now, if I want to read a book again, all I have to do is check it out, and I have so much more free space at home! [Name Redacted]

Somebody is going to end up pissed in a few months when they get a craving to revisit some beloved James Patterson mass-market and realize it was not retained in a collection. The part that made me [wryly] chuckle the most was the fact that they left a note and then turned this in as a helpful hint, which was then printed, so it will probably happen at other libraries as well. If budget cuts and massive restructuring weren't enough, now we have to worry about notes, too.

"Dear library: I know I should have turned this in a month ago, but I didn't. Please disregard my fine. Thanks!"

LABEL(s): Libraries

BY WEEK: 2010, Week 49
BY MONTH: December 2010

Written by Doug Bolden

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