Quick Note: Something of an Outcome about the Cooks Source thingie...

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BLOT: (09 Nov 2010 - 08:27:42 PM)

Quick Note: Something of an Outcome about the Cooks Source thingie...

Nick Mamatas posted "We win.", which he clarified as meaning the initial demands of the person whose stuff was stolen was met, and some degree of apology was made. NPR has also update some information on it. I'll not link to the magazine itself, since apparently the apology is a static page that could go away before you get to it. The NPR article implies that they did not so much apologize as implied that factors were involved, and though they say they will change some of their policies, apparently they paint themselves as a victim in all of this. I don't do Facebook, so I don't know what sort of Facebook attacks or explosions there were, but I do know they said their page was hacked. I'm not sure if that means "hacked" as in "someone pretended to be us and responded as us" [which did happen on Twitter, through a couple of a fake accounts] or "lots of people continuously made it impossible for us to use our page" [something like a comment-based DDOS attack]. Anyhow, there you go. I had talked with some friends about it, and had kind of posted about it (in the context of the wide world of intellectual property), so just wanted to update.

BY WEEK: 2010, Week 45
BY MONTH: November 2010

Written by Doug Bolden

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